I wanted a low powered container platform and had a rPi 3b sitting around collecting dust. This project isn't for any practical reasons, but I wanted to emulate what bigger companies do, dynamically create C2's as they need for any client operations. I also figured this would be a good learning experience for Docker. Files found here.What software was used?
Version: 19.03.8
API version: 1.40 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.13.8
Git commit: afacb8b7f0
Built: Wed Mar 11 22:48:33 2020
OS/Arch: linux/arm64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.3.3-0ubuntu2
Static hostname: ubuntu
Icon name: computer
Machine ID: 577559a1018f47d3828d7448607a6aa1
Boot ID: b35d8bf81ae246dd9ee52d653b9e11e4
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-1008-raspi
Architecture: arm64
Mongodb:latestDebian Buster
How did this come together?
Nuages Dockerfile:FROM debian:latest
COPY Nuages /
WORKDIR /Server/
RUN apt-get update -qy;\
apt-get install python3 -qy;\
apt-get install npm -qy;\
npm install;\
chmod +x setup.js;\
node setup.js matt matt mongodb://;\
npm install
WORKDIR /Clients/Nuages_Cli/
RUN npm install
WORKDIR /Server/
CMD ["bash", "start.sh"]
Build this with:
docker build -t nuages_template .
I then used Docker to run the Mongodb instance
docker run --rm -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
This downloaded and setup a MongoDB container with port 27017 mapped from the host to it. This also meant that UFW had to know to allow 27017 in. We also have to allow the beacon port in for Nuages, so might as well knock both out in the same go. I didn't hard code the port into the Nuages script as I wanted to be able to change that easily. We'll use port 8080 for now:
sudo ufw allow 27017
sudo ufw allow 8080
sudo ufw reload
Now that everything on UFW and Mongo is ready to go, let's run our Nuages container:
docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 nuages_template
This should return successfully and have port 8080 mapped from it to the host. You can terminal into it with docker exec -it <containerID> /bin/bash and get access to the C2 features.